In Creative Suite 6, users needs to be online for serialization to be successful. However if there are client
machines that are not connected to the internet, the following process, called the Type1Exception process,
can be followed to serialize a package.
This process requires generation of a keycode on the offline client machine. The keycode is then used to
generate a response code from an online machine. The response code generated using the online
machine is then used to serialize the package on the offline client machine.
This process can be used for both Retail and Volume customers.
1.On the offline client machine, generate a request code for activation by running the following command:
adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --generate --serial=serialNum
where serialNum is the serial number
This command returns a 44-character request code.
2.Using an online machine. visit the AOES website:
3.At the AOES website, log in with the Adobe ID.
4.Once authenticated, enter the Adobe serial number and the request code that was generated in step 1. Once the activation service successfully activates it, the response code is displayed.
5.Note down the response code
6.On the offline client machine, run the following command to activate the package
adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception accept --serial=serialNum --responsecode=responseCode --leid=LEID