Hi Ric,
I too got this working using the same method Petri Riihikallio used to deploy Adobe Acrobat Pro XI and a batch file, I did modify it ever so slightly but take no credit other than to say it works for this application too!
file name: SetupCC.bat
REM The first CLS will clear the error about UNC paths
echo off
REM Adobe Creative Cloud installer
REM by Petri Riihikallio 21.1.2014 v.1.0
REM This file must be run in the topmost directory created by CCP with Build and Exceptions as subdirectories
REM Acrobat installation language is the only setting that must be edited
set LightroomLang=en_US
echo Lightroom installation language is %LightroomLang%
REM This pushd trick will allow running this script from an UNC path
pushd %~dp0
set Step=1
if not exist Exceptions goto ErroMsg
cd Exceptions
set Step=2
if not exist ExceptionDeployer.exe goto ErroMsg
ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=pre --installLanguage=%LightroomLang%
set Step=3
cd ..
if not exist Build goto ErroMsg
cd Build
set Step=4
if not exist setup.exe goto ErroMsg
cd ..\Exceptions
ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=post
goto CleanUp
Echo Got lost at step %Step% :o/ Is this BAT file in the correct directory?