I've been working at this for several hours (going on seven) and if I am correct, the "ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=pre" command is the same as deploying the AcroPro.msi in the Exceptions/AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul folder. I tested this by manually installing each way and both have the same end result. The difference is that you can then use the Adobe Customization Wizard XI to customize the AcroPro.msi file to create a Transform. The .msi file in the Build folder still needs to be ran afterwards in order to license the application. If you are only deploying Acrobat Pro, there is no need to run the "ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=post" command. In fact, when I manually installed Acrobat using the ExceptionDeployer method, I tried to run it again using the --mode=post switch. It started and stopped almost immediately with a return code of 0. So I'm not sure if it is even needed at all or if it is like mentioned above and is supposedly merely another way to install the .msi created from CCP.
When deploying Acrobat X with CS6, it was the same way; deploy the AcroPro.msi file first, then the customized.msi file created with AMMEE.
I do agree with everyone else with Adobe needing to make it easier to deploy this. I'm not sure who thought coming up with a different way was a better way to go. It was already too complicated as it is. I'll update this post should anything change with this method. We've got CS6 installed on over 10,000 computers, so figuring out the best way to remove that and install CC is the next hurdle.