I have updated my script to suppress the EULA and registration for MUSE, Lightroom and Acrobat. This requires the Adobe Provisioning Toolkit, which you must download and install separately. (Why isn't it included in the package? Why?) You need to edit the script to change the path to adobe_prtk.exe. I am using a relative path, but you might find an absolute path easier to maintain. While you debug this, you may want to add a "pause" line at the end of the script so you'll have time to read the output.
This script seems to be a moving target as Adobe keeps changing the installation. I might find some other place to publish this, but I'll let you know.
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- - - - 8< - - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - - 8<- - - -
echo off
REM The first CLS will clear the error about UNC paths
REM Adobe Creative Cloud installer
REM (c) Petri Riihikallio 20.10.2014 v.2.0
REM You may use this as you like as long as I am credited for my work.
REM This file must be run as administrator in the topmost directory created
REM by CCP with Build and Exceptions as subdirectories.
REM You need to set Acrobat installation language and the location of the
REM Adobe Provisioning Toolkit. I am using a relative path for the PrTk,
REM so it needs to be relative to "Exceptions" folder. You can use an
REM absolute path like K:\tools\adobe_prtk.exe
set Lang=en_US
set PrTK=..\..\adobe_prtk.exe
REM This pushd trick will allow running this script from an UNC path
pushd %~dp0
set Step=1
if not exist Exceptions goto ErrMsg
cd Exceptions
set Step=2
if not exist ExceptionDeployer.exe goto ErrMsg
ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=pre --installLanguage=%Lang%
set Step=3
cd ..
if not exist Build goto ErrMsg
cd Build
set Step=4
if not exist setup.exe goto ErrMsg
setup.exe /sPB /l /sl %Lang%
cd ..\Exceptions
echo Exceptions Post-pass
ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=post
REM Still in the Exceptions folder, we need to check which apps were
REM included and suppress registration and eula
if not exist *MUSE* goto Lightroom
%PrTk% --tool=EULA --leid=V7{}Muse-80-Win-GM --eulasuppress
%PrTk% --tool=Register --leid=V7{}Muse-80-Win-GM --regsuppress=ss
if not exist *LTRM* goto Acrobat
%PrTk% --tool=EULA --leid=V7{}Lightroom-55-Win-GM --eulasuppress
%PrTk% --tool=Register --leid=V7{}Lightroom-55-Win-GM --regsuppress=ss
if not exist *Acrobat* goto CleanUp
%PrTk% --tool=EULA --leid=V6{}AcrobatPro-AS2-Win-GM --eulasuppress
%PrTk% --tool=Register --leid=V6{}AcrobatPro-AS2-Win-GM --regsuppress=ss
goto CleanUp
echo Got lost at step %Step% :o/ Is this BAT file in the correct directory?