The command line install for Acrobat Pro Windows 7 is not that bad, the install information is all included in the packager once the its created.
In your exceptions folder there is file called Exceptioninfo.txt, if you read this you will see the correct way to install using command line. Below is an example of how to create a batch file to double click instead of typing these commands repeatedly.
Going even one step further you can do the following.
1) Copy the deployment package to the desktop
2) in the Exceptions folder create a new text document and call it "Acrobat_installer" or something of that nature, copy and paste the following into it.
cd \users\(username) \desktop\(Package folder name)\(package name)\Exceptions
ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=pre
3) Enter your windows user profile name in (user name) - Enter the (package folder name) enter the (package name you created)
4) Save the text document as "Acrobat_installer.bat"
Keep in mind you will copy this .bat file into the exceptions folder of your deployment package.
Lastly ensuring the user name is correct, run the batch file(.bat) on the PC.
Here is my example: Bold are the parts I mentioned above.
cd users\cpreslar\desktop\TAG_CCIP_7_14_2014\TAG Creative Cloud Installer Package 7142014\Exceptions
ExceptionDeployer --workflow=install --mode=pre
Feel free to use this next time you have to do a windows deployment.