Hello there,
I have a question and I hope someone can help me with this.
I'm following a graphic design-course through adult homeschooling and I just bought the Adobe Creative Cloud version for students and teachers (order nr.AD001763741EDBE). I used a 30 day trial-version of Photoshop prior to buying this package and received a mail confirming my payment with Visa. But now I have no idea how to access this version (Photoshop in particular) because I always get a message that my trial version ended and I have to buy the official version to continue. But I just paid for it! I even had to apply for a Visa to be able to pay online in the first place. What am I doing wrong here? I entered all the details of my school and having received the mail I assume everything was in order, so I have no idea what to do now.
Just to make sure, here is my info and that of my school:
Name: Jaroslaw Bodytko
Name of the school: Centrum voor Avondonderwijs
Adress: Frankrijklei 127, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
e-mail: info@centrumvooravondonderwijs.be
Phone: +32/
Hoping for a speedy reply, I thank you in advance.